Body treatments
Discover the miracle of body transformation
with Onda Plus Coolwaves and Endospheres Therapy!
- "Three-in-one" effectiveness with impressive results
- Fast
- Maximum comfort and safety.
- Proven world-class technologies.

Onda Plus un Endosfēras terapijas iepazīšanās procedūra
Vai esat noguruši no cīņas ar lieko svaru, celulītu un ādas tvirtuma zudumu? VIVIDERM piedāvā unikālu iepazīšanās procedūru, kas apvieno divas inovatīvas tehnoloģijas vienā sesijā!
Mūsu piedāvājums ietver:
- Onda Plus ar Coolwaves® tehnoloģiju, kas mērķtiecīgi novērš tauku slāņus, mazina celulītu un stiprina ādu.
- Endosfēras terapiju, kas izmanto kompresīvās mikrovibrācijas ar 55 silikona sfērām, lai stimulētu limfas atteci, uzlabotu asinsriti un veicinātu muskuļu atjaunošanos.
Vēdera lejasdaļa
(45 min. iepazīšanās procedūra)
€39 93
Ķermeņa kopšanas piedāvājumi
Do you want to eliminate fat, cellulite, and skin laxity all in one treatment?
Discover the Onda Plus technology – a three-in-one body contouring revolution starting from just €59 per session. Our unique Coolwaves® technology targets fat, cellulite, and skin laxity, delivering instantly visible and long-lasting results. Transform your body with complete comfort and safety.
Sign up for your introductory Onda Plus session today!
One body area
(35 - 45 minutes)
from €59 79

- Lētākas cenas tiek piemērotas iegādājoties abonementu 5 procedūrām!
Onda Plus Coolwaves treatments
1 session
5 procedūras
(~45 min.)
Back of the thigh
(~45 min.)
Front of the thigh
(~45 min.)
Inner thigh
(~45 min.)
Outer thighs
(~45 min.)
(~35 min.)
(~35 min.)
Bra line area
(~35 min.)
(~35 min.)
Onda Plus Coolwaves packages
1 session
5 procedūras
Inner and outer thighs
(~70 min.)
Front and back of the thighs
(~70 min.)
Thighs* + buttocks
(~100 min.)
Thighs* + flanks
(~100 min.)
- Thighs – 2 areas to choose from (back of the thigh / front of the thigh / inner thigh / outer thigh)

Especially advantageous offer
Do you want to discover the secret to a perfect body?
Discover our revolutionary Endospheres Therapy! Using our advanced compressive microvibration system with 55 silicone spheres, we stimulate lymphatic drainage, reduce cellulite, and promote muscle recovery.
Regular 45-minute therapy sessions give you the opportunity to fully enjoy the benefits of our innovative technology. Stop compromising and book your spot now to experience the transformative power of Endospheres Therapy!
Introductory procedure
(problem areas)
€34 50
Endospheres therapy 45
Introductory procedure
(problem areas)
€34 50
Procedure: 45 minutes.
(problem areas)
Subscription for 6 procedures
(problem areas)
€228 300
Endospheres therapy 75
Procedure: 75 minutes.
(whole body)
Subscription for 6 procedures
(whole body)
€390 420
What is important to know about Ķermeņa procedūrām
Onda Plus Coolwaves
Onda Plus features three types of massage – Deep, Shallow, and the new PLUS – which focus on the optimal effect of Coolwaves® on fat deposits, skin relaxation, and cellulite. Coolwaves® is an advanced technology in medical aesthetics. By combining Coolwaves® technology with the unique PLUS massage, Onda Plus targets persistent fat deposits, cellulite, and loss of skin tone.
Body sculpting with Coolwaves®
Coolwaves® – these are exclusive microwaves that selectively target fat cells, loss of skin elasticity, and cellulite.
Onda Plus ar Coolwaves® technology effectively combats stubborn fat deposits throughout the body, particularly on the abdomen, hips, flanks, and under the chin area.
- Cellulite - Coolwaves® stimulates connective tissue around cellulite fat cells, reducing the "orange peel effect."
- Skin tightening - Coolwaves® induces the breakdown of collagen fibers in the dermis and stimulates the production of new collagen, strengthening and toning the tissues.
- More effective massage and lymphatic drainage - The PLUS massage tip, developed based on experience with Coolwaves® technology, emits an airflow that creates waves to accelerate the return of bodily fluids, activating surface microcirculation.
Onda Plus addresses the following issues
- Localized fat deposits
- Swelling
- Sagging skin
- "Orange peel"
- Improvement of skin texture
- Bruises and strains
- Postoperative period
- Weak muscle tone
- Gravitational ptosis
Advantages of Onda Plus Coolwaves
- Treats cellulite
- Reduces localized fat deposits
- Strengthens the skin
- Duration – only 30 minutes
- Anesthesia – not required.
- Outstanding results in just 1-2 months.
What is the mechanism of action for Endosphere therapy?
The Endosphere therapy method is based on the effects of vibration and compression. Compression pushes lymph out of the tissues, while microvibration enhances blood circulation in the tissues and accelerates metabolic processes in the body. The compression effect is created by the device's working handle, which weighs two kilograms. Due to the alternation of pressure and vibration, a vascular exercise effect is achieved. Blood circulation and lymph flow are accelerated, providing active lymphatic drainage of the tissues. As a result of Endosphere therapy, swelling disappears, and the client begins to feel lightness throughout the body. Endosphere therapy shows the most significant results in cellulite treatment.
The system operates based on compression microvibration technology, achieved using a special applicator. It consists of 60 micro-spheres (rollers) made from natural silicone. As they rotate, they apply pressure to dense areas of the skin (muscles, fat tissues). The therapy functions like a "pulsating contraction": fat deposits are subjected to pressure and gradually weakened until completely broken down. Thanks to the effects of compression and pressure, a vascular exercise effect is created, which improves blood circulation and lymph flow. This ensures lymphatic drainage of the tissues, leading to the release of excess fluid. Swelling disappears, and the person begins to feel lightness throughout their body.
Advantages of Endosphere therapy
- Endosphere therapy for the body is several times more effective than traditional manual massage.
- Microvibration-compression technique. A special pressure sensor adjusts the compression power as precisely as possible. This impact improves blood circulation, activates the body's own physiological processes, and enhances metabolism. As a result, the volume of fat tissue is reduced without causing skin deformation.
- The device has a pain-relieving effect. on movement nerves with heightened sensitivity. It mobilizes the lymphatic system, removes toxins and excess fluid from the body, helping to reduce swelling.
- There is no pain after the procedure, no bruising, and the treated areas may have slight redness, which disappears within an hour.
- Endosphere therapy provides a comprehensive resultsuch as skin rejuvenation, tissue toning, cellulite elimination, and lymphatic drainage.
- Endosphere therapy ensures a vascular exercise effect and creates a perfect silhouette. It breaks down the bonds between fat cells by acting on connective tissue fibers.
- Skin tone is restored thanks to increased blood circulation and improved oxygen uptake. Treats cellulite at any stage.
- Endosphere therapy has a general therapeutic effect on the body.
- In the first 6 sessions you will eliminate excess fluid and toxins from your tissues! After completing the full 12-session course, you will significantly improve blood microcirculation and metabolism in your body.
Is the Endosphere therapy procedure painful?
The Endosphere therapy procedure is painless, comfortable, and pleasant; it does not traumatize the skin or leave bruises. Unlike other massage and device techniques, Endosphere therapy is performed without a suit, using a special lymphatic drainage oil, providing additional skin care.
What are the recommendations during the Endosphere therapy course?
The Endosphere therapy procedure does not impose strict restrictions; however, to enhance the results, a few recommendations should be followed:
- Drink more than two liters of pure water every day—this is essential to improve fat transportation through the lymphatic vessels.
- Eliminate foods with a high sugar content.
- Engage in light physical activity every day—this helps to activate blood and lymph flow, aiding in the elimination of broken-down fats from the body.
- Limit the consumption of coffee, alcohol, and simple carbohydrates, as alcohol and caffeine negatively affect the lymphatic system, delaying fat elimination and subsequent metabolism.
Endosphere therapy course is suitable
- Weight lossPromotes weight loss, reduces excess body weight, and helps decrease size by up to two sizes.
- Cellulite reductionReduces visible signs of cellulite, smooths skin texture, and alleviates pain syndromes.
- For liftingSmooths skin texture, reduces scars, and prevents sagging skin. Recommended for new mothers, prevention of age-related changes, and rapid weight loss.
- For detoxificationInitiates gentle lymphatic drainage, eliminates toxins without overloading the liver, and activates metabolic processes. Additionally, it tones and positively impacts the overall condition of the body.
- For silhouette shapingFor refining the silhouette and sculpting body contours, especially when quick results are needed, whether preparing for the beach season or an important event.
- For sportsReduces muscle spasms and pain after intense workouts and physical exertion. Reduces swelling and hematomas, restoring balance.
Endosphere therapy course and results
Endosphere therapy is performed in courses based on individual indications. To achieve the desired results, 6-18 sessions are required. In most cases, the effects of the therapy can be seen after the first session. It is important to consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily.
After the first 6 Endosphere therapy sessions, excess fluid and toxins are eliminated from the tissues. After 12 sessions, metabolism and blood microcirculation are significantly improved. A full course of 18 sessions can reduce waist circumference by up to 10 cm! Endosphere therapy helps to remove fat deposits, eliminate cellulite and "fat traps," increase skin elasticity and tone, and reduce swelling. Endosphere therapy achieves noticeable lymphatic drainage and lifting effects, improves muscle tone, and alleviates muscle pain.
The skin becomes smoother and more elastic, even after just one session. This is especially important after rapid weight loss, such as post-pregnancy, when you need to quickly regain your previous shape. After the course of treatments, cellulite will disappear, and body measurements will immediately decrease by 2 sizes. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, excess weight and the "orange peel" effect will never return.
In addition to combating cellulite, Endosphere Therapy has a positive effect on blood vessels. Due to a localized temperature increase of 1-2 degrees, venous and lymphatic flow improves, resulting in a pleasant feeling of lightness in the legs.
How often should I undergo Endosphere therapy sessions?
The course of Endosphere therapy depends on the initial condition of the body. On average, 6 to 18 sessions are required. The first results will be visible immediately after 1-2 sessions. The effects last for about six months. To prolong the results, it is recommended to undergo additional sessions 6 months after completing the Endosphere therapy course—once every 1-2 weeks.
How does Endosphere therapy differ from other apparatus-based massage methods?
Endosphere therapy equipment differs significantly from LPG, which utilizes a vacuum roller effect. Endosphere therapy is based on compression and vibration, making it a non-aggressive procedure for blood vessels and capillaries. Improper use of LPG technology can lead to skin stretching and subsequent sagging, which is entirely avoided with Endosphere therapy. The Endosphere therapy procedure is comfortable and painless, whereas LPG can cause discomfort and sometimes quite painful sensations. Additionally, Endosphere therapy has virtually no contraindications, unlike LPG, which is contraindicated for clients with fragile capillaries and varicose veins.
When is it recommended to undergo Endosphere therapy?
The device's applicator generates microvibrations, which activate the blood microcirculation process in the tissues. Metabolic processes in the cells are accelerated. Meanwhile, as the equipment starts compression, fluid drainage occurs. Endosphere Therapy is a massage technique with both cosmetic and therapeutic effects.
The impact of Endosphere Therapy is comparable to active physical exercise. During the procedure, no movement is required from you—the body loses weight and achieves beautiful contours without your active participation. It is a treatment that requires no prior preparation. Before undergoing the device massage, make sure to consult with a cosmetologist. The specialist will assess the condition of your skin.
- Endosphere therapy helps eliminate body fat, shed excess weight, and reduce measurements. After completing the course of treatments, we guarantee improved body contours.
- Cosmetologists recommend performing device-based massage for loose, weakened, and stretched skin. The procedure ensures quick skin tightening after rapid weight loss and reduces the number of stretch marks.
- Endosphere therapy recognizes fibrous tissue deformation and effectively combats changes. During the therapy, you can significantly reduce the appearance of "orange peel" skin or completely eliminate cellulite.
- The therapy using the Endosphere device is prescribed for individuals with lymphatic issues, as well as for the treatment and prevention of venous edema. This technique provides lymphatic drainage and helps eliminate excess fluid from the body.
- Endosphere therapy is an excellent way to relieve muscle pain after intense exertion. During the treatment, muscle tone improves, muscle spasms decrease, and pain sensations vanish.
- During Endosphere therapy, the rollers on the applicator exert a mechanical impact on the skin. Along with weight loss, you can achieve gentle exfoliation, removing dead skin cells.
Can Endosphere therapy be performed with varicose veins?
Endosphere therapy was developed and clinically tested by phlebologists. The effect of compression microvibration acts as vascular exercise, strengthening blood vessel walls, improving microcirculation, and addressing various phlebological issues. Endosphere therapy is recommended for varicose veins and capillaries, with caution advised only in cases of thrombophlebitis. The intensity of the device's impact is individually adjusted, allowing settings to be tailored to clients with varicose veins, vascular, and capillary issues.

What issues does Endosphere therapy address?
- Localized fat deposits
- Swelling
- Sagging skin
- "Orange peel"
- Bruises and strains
- Postoperative period
- Weak muscle tone
- Gravitational ptosis
- Dermatological conditions or inflammatory and purulent skin lesions
- Acute, chronic, or infectious diseases
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
- Epilepsy
- Thrombophlebitis
- Autoimmune connective tissue diseases
- Audzēja procesi, onkoloģija
- Fractures
- Any type of bleeding