When to Use Scalp Mesotherapy?
Using microinjections with a thin needle, a cocktail of preparations is injected into the depth of the hair follicles in the scalp.
After the course, skin regeneration processes are activated, hair follicles are nourished, hair loss stops, and the hair becomes fuller and its structure is strengthened.
The procedure is ideally suited for: Plikpaurības, priekšlaicīgas sirmu matu parādīšanās, alopēcijas, matu augšanas palēnināšanas un kvalitātes pasliktināšanas gadījumos.
Not suitable for: ekasuma un infekcijas slimību gadījumos, kā arī sliktas asins recēšanas, ādas un asinsvadu slīmību gadījumos.
Hair dehydration and brittleness, dryness or oiliness
Alopecia and diffuse hair loss
Premature graying of hair
Mesotherapy Prices
Scalp Mesotherapy Dr.CYJ
DR.CYJ Hair Filler - 1 ml
FAQ about DR. CYJ Hair Filler
DR. CYJ Hair Filler
DR. CYJ Hair Filler is a revitalizing hair treatment with a unique blend of peptides and reticulated hyaluronic acid. It has a powerful rejuvenating effect on hair follicles and the scalp. This preparation improves microcirculation and skin nourishment, significantly accelerating hair growth and stopping hair loss. It activates dormant hair follicles, strengthens thin and brittle hair, and restores its vitality.
- Hyaluronic Acid (0.7%) Enhances hydration
- Decapeptide-10, Octapeptide-11, and Octapeptide-2 Stimulate angiogenesis in hair follicles (i.e., improve blood supply), inhibit apoptosis (cell death), and promote hair growth.
- Decapeptide-18 and Decapeptide-28:Activate hair growth, stimulate stem cells, and keratinocyte proliferation.
- Oligopeptide-54: Blocks the action of DHT, which causes baldness, and stops hair loss.
- Oligopeptide-71: Restores hair pigmentation and promotes the formation of new hair.
Scalp mesotherapy is recommended for the following conditions:
- Baldness
- Seborrhea, Dandruff, Scalp Itching
- Premature graying of hair
- Slow Hair Growth After Chemical Treatments
- Hair dehydration and brittleness, dryness or oiliness
- Deterioration of Hair Quality After Childbirth
- Disruptions in Scalp Microcirculation
- Alopecia and diffuse hair loss
Hair Care Instructions
- You may shower or bathe no earlier than 8 hours after the procedure
- For the first few days after the injection of meso cocktails, avoid washing your hair.
- Avoid direct sun exposure, and do not visit a steam room, sauna, or tanning bed for 7 days.
- Do not massage the scalp until the skin has fully healed.
- Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.
What to Expect After Scalp Mesotherapy?
At the injection sites, scabs, slight swelling, tenderness, and itching may appear. The disruption of the scalp's integrity leads to active regeneration by stimulating follicle activity. Hair condition improves after the first procedure, but significant results can be achieved after 3–4 sessions. The effectiveness of the mesotherapy course can be assessed approximately after six months.
Personalized recommendations for the procedure can be received during an initial consultation with a specialist at our center.
You are prohibited from undergoing the procedure if you have:
- Epilepsy and Other Mental Disorders
- Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- Inflammatory Diseases, Infections
- Ķīmiskais pīlings (ne ātrāk kā divas nedēļas pēc procedūras)
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Skin Diseases or Herpes
- Oncological Diseases
- Poor Blood Clotting
- All information on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
- The information provided on the site is not comprehensive.
- Prices, services, descriptions, and technical specifications listed on the site may be changed at any time without prior notice to site users.
- For more detailed information, please contact the center's administration or email [email protected]