Skin rejuvenation and lifting

Discover the wonders of cosmetology with the unique
Morpheus 8 and RF lifting treatments!

RF Liftings

RF lifting offers

Want to restore your skin's elasticity and improve your appearance? You can achieve it all at the VIVIDERM Center!

RF lifting is one of the most advanced modern technologies for facial skin rejuvenation. The RF lifting technology is based on controlled heating of the deep skin layers.

Limited offer!

RF Lifting Diamond Polar


€69 110

RF Lifting Diamond Polar

Face, Neck, Décolleté

€89 160

Especially advantageous Morpheus 8

Bothered by expression lines? We have the solution!

Fractional RF Morpheus 8 is a fractional skin resurfacing device with programmable depth and energy delivery. The 24 gold-plated needles penetrate the subcutaneous tissues, inducing collagen contraction and fat coagulation.

Limited offer!

Morpheus 8


€299 400

Morpheus 8

Face + Neck

€349 450

Morpheus 8

Face + Neck + Décolleté

€399 600

Morpheus 8 Seja

New body treatment Morpheus 8

Are you ready to transform your skin? We offer a revolutionary fractional RF lifting procedure:

Morpheus 8 Body – Ķermeņa procedūra par speciālo cenu 349€!

Transform your body by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the deep skin layers, providing long-lasting tightening and lifting effects.

Limited offer!

Morpheus 8 Body

One body area

€349 400

Unikāla procedūra Morpheus 8 BioPlus

RF Liftinga Morpheus 8 un biorevitalizācijas kombinācija - tas ir procedūru kopums, kas vērsts uz spēcīgu atjaunošanu un liftingu, kas papildina viens otru un pastiprina veicamo procedūru iedarbību. Protokolu kombinācija sniedz iespaidīgus rezultātus, kas pielīdzināmi ķirurģiskai sejas korekcijai: audu sablīvēšana, kontūru modelēšana, ādas atslābuma un grumbu likvidēšana.

Biorevitalizācijas preparāta sastāva pamatā ir nesaistīta hialuronskābe, kas ir efektīva novecojošai, dehidrētai, sausai ādai, kas pakļauta ultravioletā starojuma un gaisa kondicionēšanas iedarbībai, ādai ar strijām un pigmentāciju.

Pateicoties hialuronskābes izmantošanai, atjaunojas ārpusšūnu matricas struktūra, tiek radīta vide jaunizveidotiem ādas komponentiem, un palielinās fibroblastu dabiskā spēja ražot kolagēnu.

Morpheus 8 BioPlus


€399 438

Morpheus 8 un biorevitalizācija

Morpheus 8 Body Procedures


(~90 min.)


Back of the thigh

(~90 min.)


Front of the thigh

(~90 min.)


Inner thigh

(~90 min.)


Outer thighs

(~90 min.)



(~90 min.)



(~90 min.)



(~90 min.)


Morpheus 8 Body Packages

Buttocks + Arms or Sides

(~180 min.)

€448 698

Thighs + Arms or Sides

(~180 min.)

€448 698

Abdomen + Arms or Sides

(~180 min.)

€448 698

What is important to know about liftinga procedūrām

RF Lifting with Venus Versa

RF lifting, by heating the middle dermal layer, actively affects the cells, triggering regenerative processes and stimulating collagen production. Lymphatic drainage improves, and swelling disappears. RF lifting not only tightens the facial oval but also destroys small fat deposits.

The middle dermal layer, which contains collagen and elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid, most significantly impacts the maintenance of facial structure and skin elasticity. Activating fibroblast activity and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers helps turn back the clock.

Diamond Polar TM operates based on the patented (MP)² technology. It significantly differs from many rejuvenation methods because the results are visible after the very first treatment.

Multipolar RF Lifting

Pulsed electromagnetic fields

The course lasts from four to seven procedures, with a 1-week interval between sessions, after which the results are maintained for a long time. Multipolar RF in synergy with pulsed electromagnetic fields – patented Venus Concept technology!

MORPHEUS 8 is an innovative non-surgical facial and body lifting technology developed by INMODE Aesthetic Solution (Israel), a leader in the production of non-surgical lifting devices. The visible effects after a MORPHEUS 8 procedure are noticeable immediately and reach their maximum after 1.5 months, providing significant skin rejuvenation, lifting effect, and reduction of skin laxity. It is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery!

The procedure sequence is determined after our cosmetologist's consultation, gathering of medical history, and application of anesthetic cream to the treated areas. The duration of the procedure depends on the chosen areas, and recommendations for further care will be provided upon completion.

The treatment course is individualized, ranging from 1 to 4 procedures, depending on the indications, with an interval of 4 weeks to 2 months. It can be combined with other procedures, following a consultation with a cosmetologist.

Morpheus 8 BioPlus procedūrai ir plaša, ilgstoša iedarbība, ko nodrošina divu efektīvu metožu kombinācija:


It is prohibited to undergo a IPL Phototherapy procedure if you have:

Kontrindikācijas Morpheus 8

You are prohibited from undergoing the procedure if you have:

Do you need advice?

Fill out the form, and we will contact you!

Previous Project

Injection Cosmetology

Next Project

IPL phototherapy in Riga

I-V: 09:00 - 20:00
VI: 10:00 - 18:00 VII: 10:00 - 18:00

Apply for the procedure